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ZenGin directory structure

Modding is all about changing the game files. To achieve that, we have to know the directory (folder) structure of a Gothic game.

├── Data
│   ├── $Templates$
│   ├── modvdf
│   └── Plugins
├── Miles
├── Saves
├── System
│   └── Autorun
└── _work
    └── DATA
        ├── Anims
        │   └── _Compiled
        ├── Meshes
        │   └── _Compiled
        ├── Music
        ├── Presets
        ├── Scripts
        │   ├── _compiled
        │   └── content
        │       └── CUTSCENE
        ├── Sound
        ├── Textures
        ├── Video
        └── Worlds


Data directory contains .vdf volumes of the game. These contain anims.vdf - animations, speech.vdf - dubbing, worlds.vdf - world ZEN files.


Contains saved games.


The system directory contains the game executable, GothicStarter.exe, GothicStarter_mod.exe, configuration .ini files, mod .ini files and mod icons and description .rtf files.

system/Autorun is a Union specific directory, it serves as a default search directory for Daedalus injection scripts with zParserExtender and Union plugins.


This is where the magic happens:

  • Anims - contains animations and animated models.
    • _compiled - contains compiled animations.
  • Meshes - contains meshes source and compiled files.
    • _compiled - contains compiled meshes.
  • Music - contains music files.
  • Presets - contains basic presets.
  • Scripts
    • _compiled - contains compiled scripts - .dat files.
    • Content - contains scripts that make up the content of the game.
    • System - contains scripts that make up the menu.
  • Sound - contains sound effects .wav or .ogg format (Union only).
  • Video - contains videos in .bik format.